I was not raised in a particularly religious family but growing up on a farm, one cannot come away without a deep appreciation for God and his creations.  I always felt a closeness to God and would often pray and discuss daily happenings or concerns with Him.  Yet in our family, the Bible was considered more a coffee table book rather then a resource and guide for daily living.

I moved to Wichita, KS when I was 23 years old after an amicable divorce from my husband of five years and losing a daughter and younger sister in a horrible automobile accident.  I was the driver of that vehicle and with my ex-husband's assistance had come to believe that somehow I had failed God.  Both he and my mother had done an excellent job through the years of convincing me I was unworthy of quite a lot.

That's when God brought Kent into my life.  He spent the first months of our relationship opening the wonderful Word of God and teaching me many, many important principles - the best of which is that I am truly loved by my heavenly Father and worthy of being loved by others.  That was a little over 27 years ago and I eagerly anticipate many more wonderful years of marriage to come.

We were holding a Bible fellowship in our home during the late eighties when we met Mark.  He came to our door one afternoon, introducing himself and stating that he had heard of our fellowship and would like to join.  His burning love for God and His Word was and continues to be an ever present inspiration to both Kent and me.  We all have a mutual admiration for each other's abilities in working the Word and look forward to a continuance of our relationship even though we are now separated by many miles.  Our desire to search the truth of God's Word on many subjects, as well as the love and friendship we share will ensure a life-long relationship discovering the wonderful gems His Word holds for all of us.  Our desire with this web site is to share this knowledge with others for their edification and enjoyment.

God Bless YOU!

Roxana L. Miller
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